Lenten greetings! We are embarking upon our journey through the holy season of Lent. It is called F.A.S.T. for us during this time. The desired outcome is one of Fresh Attitudes Showing Trust. Below is the schedule for our duration from February 18 leading up to Easter weekend. Each day has a reading with a title that relates to the passage. We will be going through the book of Nehemiah this year. I encourage you to read daily and even write your thoughts and prayers you have to the Lord. This year we will give up one item for forty days and have weekly items to fast from as listed below. Find an accountability partner who can aid you along and vice versa. Pray for one another daily. Encourage each other to pursue God and His Kingdom. May the Lord Jesus Himself walk with you over these forty days and forty nights and may you find His grace to be sufficient for your every need. Shalom.
Redeemer NewsChurch Wide Announcements Archives
March 2022