The third week of Advent approaches with a call to rejoice. It is one that assures us of the promise: God is with us. Is this not true before Christmas? He indeed is with us, even now in the hustle and bustle; boredom and daydreaming of our lives. So then, what is new concerning Christmas? If there is nothing new, then why celebrate? Why put up the wreath, the tree, the poinsettia or any other ornament? Why dust off the nativity scene for another year? If God is with us, what is the point? Christmas is an event that promises us that what took place in space-time history was our salvation. It is assurance for us who are prone to allowing our lives to be flooded and crowded and cluttered with things that are temporal, in other words, they have no lasting worth. Christmas is about God making room for Himself in a Bethlehem cave. God the Son is hiding out. The revelation is that God is with us and it is hidden for us in the revelation between ox and donkey. This is the mystery of the manger.
Jess Chen
12/13/2014 07:14:44 am
In reflecting on Advent, I can't decide if Christ's coming is the world's grandest entrance or the world's best kept secret. On one hand, we have the prophets who prophesied of His coming, a multitude of the heavenly host proclaimed His glory, and wisemen from afar heard the Word of His birth. On the other hand, Gabriel appears to Elizabeth and Mary individually, the shepherds are given a secret, and Christ is born in a manger in who knows where. Indeed, the Word in flesh has come! But in the midst of a distracting holiday season of lights, gifts, and loud music, we will miss the hidden Christ who has come if we're not looking for Him. The world's greatest gift and promise has come hidden as the world's best kept secret. This is the mystery of the manger.
12/13/2014 08:53:49 am
In Patty Kirk's words:
12/13/2014 01:04:50 pm
I'm trying to put into words some of my thoughts on the mystery of the manger, it appears to be much harder than I thought. On the night that Jesus was born, there were more than just one mystery, the star, the visitors from the east, and the list goes on. But the biggest mystery of all as Jess said is the incarnation of God. How appropriate it is for Jesus to be born in a manger, where feeding of animals, in particular sheep takes place. As Jesus is known as the Lamb of God, our Shepherd. How interesting that Jesus the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is born in a commonplace and no one knew about it except for the ones who've been looking. He came into the world secretly through condescension so He can be with us and so we can be with Him. What good news is that to have in our advent season! But are we too busy to look?
12/13/2014 05:30:37 pm
What is the mystery of the manger, but the baby boy who lies there in swaddling cloths? The little Lord Jesus, who is the Son of God, the King of kings and Lord of lords, and yet we find Him lying in a lowly manger? He is the Christ, the Savior of the whole world and God in the flesh - the very one we have been longing for, and yet there is no room to receive this King. Where's the grand entrance, with the loud trumpets, and red carpets? We look at this naivety scene and we are dumbfounded by it because we cannot comprehend why this all powerful, all mighty God would choose to come to earth in this hidden and humble way. But perhaps this conundrum is also good news to us, for He is indeed the Immanuel! Even when we appear to have no room for Him, God is still with us. So this advent season, let us prepare our hearts to receive our King. Let's herald His coming with songs of praise and make room for our God! Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
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