Previous Events
Advent 2018: Waiting. Watching. Hoping.Advent is here! It is time to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Journey with us through this Advent season with our Advent Calendar.
J U L Y 1 – A U G U S T 3 1
Service at Mary WardPlease note that beginning July through the end of August, we will be temporarily holding service at Mary Ward LINC instead of at Epiphany of our Lord Catholic Academy.
Mary Ward LINC is at 44 Kelvinway Drive, Scarborough. Open in Google Maps
J U N E 1 5 – 1 7
Face to Face: Summer Conference 2o18Face to Face, Redeemer's 2018 Summer Conference is coming up this June 15 at Redeemer College!
F.A.S.T. 2018Lent is here. Follow our readings through the book of Nehemiah as we journey through this holy season.
» Follow along on our blog post. Read more, download a printable calendar, and offer your thoughts.
Advent 2017: AdoreAdvent is here! It is time to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Journey with us through this Advent season with our Advent Calendar.
Winter Retreat 2017: Joy to the WorldWinter Retreat is coming! Winter Retreat 2017, Joy to the World, will be happening at Shalom by the Lake from December 28 through December 31. Join us for four days of worship, fellowship, and time to slow down and meet God in the wilderness.
VBS 2017 SlideshowWe had a great week at Maker Fun Factory VBS! Relive the week with the slideshow we've put together.
Summer Camping 2017Redeemer will be having our annual summer camping from August 25th to August 27th at Kelso Conservation Area.
As a reminder, English service will be held on Sunday August 27th at Kelso Conservation Area and NOT at Epiphany. |
VBS 2017Redeemer will be hosting VBS from August 14 to August 18 at Epiphany of our Lord Catholic Academy. Our theme this year is Maker Fun Factory: Created by God, built for a purpose. Come join us for a week of songs, games, crafts, friends, and fun!
頌基播道會2017年夏令會 / SUMMER CONFERENCE 2017
轉化危機成契機 (CSM)
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Redeemer's Truth (ESM)
Winter Retreat Forms Now AvailableWinter Retreat is coming! We will be going to Shalom by the Lake, December 29 to January 1. Forms for Winter Retreat 2016, That's the Spirit!, are now available. Please return your Registration Forms, Waiver Forms, and payment to Scott Li by December 11.
Advent 2016: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love.Advent is here! It is time to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Journey with us through this Advent season with our Advent Calendar.
Fall Fun FairOur Fall Fun Fair is happening this Saturday, October 29, 4–6 PM at Mary Ward LINC, and you're invited! Admission is free and all children ages 4 to 12 are welcome.
Change in a Can — Thanksgiving Food DriveChange in a Can is now over and we have collected over 500 cans; PTL! A huge thank you to everyone who supported this food drive.
Thanksgiving Apple PickingWe will be going apple picking for Thanksgiving at Country Apple Orchard Farm! We will then have lunch and make apple turnovers together at the CO.
See you at the farm on October 8 at 10 AM!
Mothers' Day Rose FundraiserHonour your mother with a gift that keeps on giving.
We will be selling roses to fundraise for charity. Pre-orders will be taken throughout the month of April and will be available for pick up at church on Mother's Day. A limited quantity of roses will also be available for sale on the day of.
Read our blog post for more!
Bowling with Redeemer: That's how we roll!Save the date! We will be holding a bowling event in just a few weeks. Bring your friends, and come enjoy a good time of bowling together!
Lent & F.A.S.T. 2016Welcome to F.A.S.T. 2016! This year we will be journeying through the Gospel of John, focusing on prominent images in the fourth gospel.
» Follow along on our blog post. Read more, download the printable guide, and offer your thoughts.
Advent 2015: Our LORD, Come!Advent is here. Follow along on our Advent calendar in the blog as we journey together and discover how the angels herald the coming of Christ.
Operation Winter Happy HouseChristmas is fast approaching us and we want to share our blessings with others. Redeemer CEFC brings Operation Winter Happy House to collect toys for Agincourt Community Services Assiociation toy drive and the Salvation Army toy drive.
Event takes place on Dec 12, 2015, 7:30 pm at 3838 Midland Ave. Invite lots of friends and come join us for a night of board games, dancing, music, card making, prayer, a bake sale and more! See more details at Operation Winter Happy House 2015 |
Boxes Collected:100!!!/100
Operation Christmas ChildThis year we will once again be packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child!
Our goal is to collect over 100 boxes, and as of Sunday, November 22, we have met our goal!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! |
Believe You Can & You're Halfway There — Thanksgiving Food DriveThis year's Thanksgiving food drive for Agincourt Community Services Association, Believe You Can & You're Halfway There!, has ended.
Our goal this time was to collect 250 cans by Thanksgiving. Thanks to everyone's support, we blew through our original goal to collect a total of 332 cans! These cans will be distributed by ACSA to those in need. Current Can Count332 / 250 Last updated: Sunday, October 11
Fall Fun FairRedeemer's Fall Fun Fair will be happening on October 31 from 7–9 PM at the Church Office. Come for a night of fun, worship, games, friends, and prizes!
Children ages 4–12 are welcome, and there is no entry fee. ![]()
Apple PickingToday, Saturday, we will be heading to Country Apple Orchard Farm to pick some apples! We will then head to the CO for lunch and to make delicious homemade apple pies.
Please join us at Country Apple Orchard (3105 16th Sideroad West, King City) at 10 AM on October 10. For more information about Country Apple Orchard, please visit Schedule for the Day
PTL 2015: The Word Became FleshPTL House is back again for Summer 2015!
This year for PTL, we are going to be doing something different from the previous years. Instead of playing the usual board games the entire night, we decided to change things up by having different fun interactive group activities. The theme this year is, "The Word Became Flesh!" Please bring your bibles because we will be using it throughout the programs, and invite friends to come! PTL runs from 7pm-10pm every Wednesday in the summer at our newly renovated Church Office. Our first PTL will be this Wednesday July 8! BE EXCITED! |
pack your coolers and put your sunscreens on, it is time to beat the heat!WHEN: Aug 21st to Aug 23rd, We will meet at the CO (3838 Midland Ave.) around 6pm. and arrive at the campsite around at 8-8:30pm WHERE: Kelso Conservation Area, group site 303 This year's TG Summer Camping will take place at Kelso Conservation Area from the 21st to the 23rd of August. The theme is "Beat the Heat." Bring friends! Find out more on our Facebook page. Download the following forms and return them to Benjaman Wu to RSVP
Summer conference 2015
It is summer and it is time for Redeemer's annual summer conference!
This year, it will be hosted at the same location, at Redeemer University College.
The event will be from Saturday June 27 to Sunday June 28 with a price of $65.
Mark your calendars!
To sign up, please fill out the RSVP form and the waiver form and return them to Teresa or Sherie
This year, it will be hosted at the same location, at Redeemer University College.
The event will be from Saturday June 27 to Sunday June 28 with a price of $65.
Mark your calendars!
To sign up, please fill out the RSVP form and the waiver form and return them to Teresa or Sherie

2015 RCEFC Summer Conference RSVP Form |

Redeemer will have a summer outing on Saturday, May 16th 2015
The activity for this years summer outing is bubble soccer. See more details and RSVP here |
Lent & F.A.S.T. 2015The season of Lent has come. Follow our daily readings below through 2 Samuel below as we journey towards Easter.
» Read the announcement for an introduction, fasting items, and additional information. » The daily scripture reading widget has also been moved to the announcement blog post. |
We would like to thank everyone who has participated and donated cans to the 'We CAN do it' food drive! We were successful in raising over 600 cans! Praise the Lord!
Also, for those who were unable to attend our Joseph's Dream Musical, videos of the musical have been posted to the Joseph's Dream Musical page. Blessings all! |
Winter Retreat 2014
Winter Retreat forms are out! You need to fill out the registration form, and the CORRECT liability form. Forms and money are due December 7th, 2014. If you're out of town or unable to get the forms and money to me by then, please message me and let me know so I save a spot for you.
Thanks! Jess Chen ![]()
The season of advent is here! Join Redeemer this year in preparation for the coming of birth of Jesus.
Redeemer will be doing daily readings from selected passages as part of the preparation. Our community will also be doing an activity everyday during the Advent season. Celebrate with us in this year's Advent season! |
Yes we can!
We are looking to gather 500 non-perishable food items by Dec 24, 2014 for project "We CAN Do It" for the food bank. Bring some goods if you come help out and place it under the tree!
Current progress: 400/500! We CAN do it! If you're unsure of what to bring, here is a post with further details. |
Redeemer's Fall Fun Fair
Redeemer's Fall Fun Fair will be happening October 31, 7–9 PM at the Church Office.
Come out and enjoy a night of fun, worship, games, friends, and prizes! » See the announcement for more. » Directions to the Church Office. |
Redeemer's 20th Anniversary Banquet / 讚美飛揚在頌基 — 頌基播道會 二十週年感恩晩宴
Summer Camping 2014: This Great Sight!
Redeemer's Annual Summer Camping is back! It is happening on August 22–24, 2014, at Sibbald Point Provincial Park! Register now and discover what this great sight from God is!
More information and contact information are available in the Registration Form below. Please give the form and money to Dennis Hui and Nelson Yu by August 15, 2014.
Passion Tea Lemonade
Come join us this summer at the Church Office every Wednesday evening at 7, and quench your thirst for real relationships.
» PTL Wednesdays on Facebook » More on PTL & Water for Life |
Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is back! Bring your friends to North Bridlewood Park every Sunday afternoon and get to share life with one another.
» Looking for the Ultimate Frisbee registration & waiver forms? |
VBS 2014: Kingdom Chronicles
Vacation Bible School is a free summer camp for children ages 4–11 that runs the week of August 11–15. Register now, and find out what this year's theme of Kingdom Chronicles is about!
More information and contact information are available in the Registration Form below. ![]()